Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jewish Federation's North America General Assembly (2010)

Jewish Federation's North America General Assembly (2010)

American is under Israeli feet and we have to put up with sheer insanity and profanity of the Gas chamber bound Zio_Nazis!

Faruque Ahmed


Free Australia Now, Mobile: 041 091 4118

"The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth." - Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, published in the Rothschild controlled La Revue de Paris, June 1, 1928.

--- In, "L" wrote:
Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

Yawn... May be if I was a woman or a child like IDF slime are good at killing I'd be worried. However, Israelis RUN like the chickenshit slime they are when confronted by real opponents like Hamas! And here you would be compost.

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Every time you incompetent idiots have a go at them they kick your pathetic arses!! That gives the rest of the world a good giggle!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "L" wrote:

Yawn... Maybe if I was a woman or a child like IDF slime are good at killing I'd be worried. However, Israelis RUN like the chickenshit slime they are when confronted by real opponents like Hamas! And here you would be compost.

--- In, "lal_guru@..." wrote:

Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

You mother used to fuck pigs, dogs, …. Now you are fucking her! Not bad!!

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

He has already dropped a lot of your filth!! He says they don't die well!!

Scream like fucked pigs apparently!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "komolarani@..." wrote:

Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

Alas! America is under Israeli feet. Poor Americans!!

--- In, "L" wrote:

Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

Gurantee you wouldn't have much of a chance in this county bud!

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

he has already dropped a lot of your filth!! He says they don't die well

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "L" wrote:

We should have fun with a 'target rich' environment. Is your son coming???

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

I hope they drop the lot of you!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

Threat, arrogance, deception and manipulation are only a few weapons of Gas Chamber Bound Zio-Nazis! Stupid Americans are enslaved by the Zio-Nazis!

--- In, "L" wrote:

Re: zioNAZIs Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans

We should have fun with a 'target rich' environment. Is your son coming???

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

I hope they drop the lot of you!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "L" wrote:

Another FALSE FLAG NUKE attack may likely happen TUESDAY during another NUKE DRILL that's going on NOW. And while Commie Obamie is out of the country, the zioNAZIs are running the show here. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

Biden, Netanyahu meet at Jewish Federation assembly in New Orleans Tags: ISRAEL POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION

Vice President Joe Biden met this afternoon with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Both were in town for the Jewish Federation's North America General Assembly at the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel in New Orleans. The vice president is scheduled to address the organization later today.

Webmaster's Commentary:
Take a moment to read the comments. The "Megaphonies" (Israeli plants) are obviously on overtime here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mighty Israel, Miners and Dirty Leaders

Mighty Israel, Miners and Dirty Leaders

The money, power and influence of the mining bosses managed to change the democratically elected Kevin Rudd Government of Australia. The miming union leaders who supposed to be looking after the interests of the workers generally protect mine owners and this time they have acted against an elected government in favor of mining billionaires!

Many shock jocks and tabloid media outlets have been directly and indirectly engaged in manufacturing consent and opinion against the Rudd Government by using many devious techniques. One such advertising baron i.e. John Singleton has undertaken publicity machine of the Liberal party for big bucks!

Labor Party power broker Mark Arbib who used to be very careful and respectful towards Faruque Ahmed due to his intelligence and integrity! Anyway, Karl Bitar and Bill Shorten who is married to the daughter of Australian Governor General Quinton Brice along with Mark Arbib and other co-conspirators managed to bring down Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in a very ruthless manner!

The Strip Search of New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk to satisfy Israel was the norm in Australia unlike Kevin Rudd’s expulsion of Israeli diplomat! You see, as narrated in Pressure on new Israeli envoy builds and Israeli diplomat wanted in Rio for part in child porn ring, not going to Australia; no one supposed to lift a finger against Israel.

In short, Kevin Rudd’s bloody departure must have plenty to do with these identities and events mentioned!

Who Are the Powerbrokers and Beyond

For more: Crimes Exposed

Amir Laty linked to Mossad spies in NZ and Israeli diplomat and suspected spy linked to Ruddock's daughter. Ruddock denies [Israeli] diplomat's expulsion linked to daughter while Claims Israel uses Australia as spy base appearing to be more credible.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard misused and abused anti-Terror legislation to strip searched New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk to make Israel happy. He did so because John Howard made attempts to peruse New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk to drop charges against Israelis who went on to forge New Zealand passports.

Helen Clerk was determined to prosecute Israeli spies who went on to defraud New Zealand passports.

Recently, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd expelled Israeli diplomat for defrauding Australian Passports.

So, the obvious question is, beside the power and influence of wealthy mining interests along with the faceless and ruthless NSW Labor Party Right Wingers; what was the role of Zionists in Kevin Rudd's execution?

Who Is The Powerbroker?

For more: Burqa and Enemies

Faruque Ahmed said in The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia, "… The Influence of the neo-cons, Specifically Prejudice and Bigotry in the Climate Change Debate was very strong. They removed science and facts from the debate! The shock jocks and tabloid media manipulated consent and opinion and as a result Phony Tony (Tony Abbott) managed to remove Malcolm Turnbull. … "

Today, the Labor Party powerbrokers changed an elected Prime Minister of Australia due to the big corporation sponsored tabloid media outlets and shock jocks efforts to manufacture consent and opinion! They have been doing so for a while and they also refused to provide a right of reply too. To make the situation complicated the "slash and burn farmers" i.e. miners and other vested interest groups joined in the bandwagon!

In short, political process or people are not in control of the society or their destiny! The big busyness and media are the new powerbrokers in the town.

--- In, "arab_semite@..." wrote:

The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia

I can't believe it! The shock jocks and tabloid media outlets managed to influence a stupid political party (nation?) to change it's Prime Minister within the next one hour!

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Re: The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia

What about The Northern Territory Intervention?

--- In, "rabbiforpalestine" wrote:

Re: The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia

He is an identity in REAL LIFE!!! Mothers use images of him to ENCOURAGE their children into good behavior and KINDNESS!!

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Re: The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia

He is an identity only in his mirror!!! Mothers use images of him to frighten their children into good behaviour!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "Rahat" wrote:
Re: The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia

The Sydney Identity Faruque Ahmed is scaring shock jocks of this town. Many of them have installed "Faruque Ahmed" alarm in their studios! Some of them talk to him with respect but if they can they prefer to hide behind four walls and bikinis!

Alleged child molester Alan Jones and wife beater Ray Hedley is worse!

The Corporate Media Lead Robotic Australia

For more: Crimes Exposed

The Influence of the neo-cons, Specifically Prejudice and Bigotry in the Climate Change Debate was very strong. They removed science and facts from the debate! The shock jocks and tabloid media manipulated consent and opinion and as a result Phony Tony (Tony Abbott) managed to remove Malcolm Turnbull.

Phony Tony (Tony Abbott) is worse than John Howard and he is good on rhetoric but short on substance. Consequently Phony Tony (Tony Abbott) is popular today like John Howard!

John Howard is a very cruel and mean person. He went on to spend around 9 billion dollar i.e. 3 million dollar per person directly and indirectly to demonise, de-humanise, torture and terrorise a few thousands unlucky people who had drifted to our shores for genuine political asylum. Howard became the most popular political leader of Australia due to his skillful manipulation of prejudice and bigotry! However, he did not give a rise to pensioners or unemployed. John Howard also initiated the most racist and self centered The Northern Territory Intervention with spectacular failure beside many infamous worker bashing policies!

The incumbent Kevin Rudd is not great but he gave rise to pensioners. He also gave money to almost everyone as stimulus package to keep the economy afloat. Kevin is also trying to fix many mess and cruelty of John Howard!

Yet, the ungrateful pensioners are angry at Kevin Rudd for not spending 3 million per person to demonise, de-humanise,torture and terrorise a few `boat people"! Even other vulnerable groups are cranky at him due to a blatantly one sided cunning and creative campaign by the shock jocks and tabloid media outlets! It is somewhat similar to Colwell, Heffron, Whitlam, … legacy! These people made it easier for the children of farm workers, factory workers, mine workers, …. to go to the universities and enjoy many other opportunities from the society! Yet, the son of a mechanic John Howard was very keen to block the ladder to the poor, unfortunate and vulnerable!!

Right now Australia became the foreign owned and controlled "quarry" of the world. These"slash and burn farmers" are not really adding any value to the society. Brave and nationalistic Kevin Rudd imposed a pragmatic tax on these mobs. Alas! Opportunist and greedy shock jocks and tabloid media outlets are showing their enthusiasm by joining in one sided vendetta against the incumbent government while their anti-Australian facades are becoming evident.

This deliberately one sided vendetta and manipulation of the shock jocks and tabloid media outlets are so strong and obvious. Now, even they are setting the political agenda to make their masters happy rather than reporting them truthfully and accurately.

Even they are encouraging Julia Gillard to challenge Kevin Rudd and many dumb Labor politicians are getting nervous about the whole scenario.

All in all, it is a road map of a robotic society like USA. A society controlled and manipulated by the corporate media rather than public and public good!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Who Invented Osama to Slaughter Arabs and Muslims?

Who Invented Osama to Slaughter Arabs and Muslims?

Bin Laden used t be ‘morally equivalent of American founding fathers’! Osama used to be the pin up boy of the corporate governments!! Secular and nationalists movements around the world used to be enemies of USA and religious extremists were invented and funded by USA, UK and other entities.

One day, the American Terrorist Leader Bush was playing with Billy the goat and we found out about the so called 9/11. All planes of USA were grounded except those ones escorting the precious Bin Laden clans to safe heavens!

Steel structured concrete buildings of Twin Towers melted like volcanic lava. Yet, the passport of the ring leader Mohammad Atta flew into the FBI desk!

Anyway, none of those so called hijackers were originated from Afghanistan. Yet, Afghanistan was attacked and ruined due to pipe line dream and opium trade. Iraq had nothing to do with Bin Laden or 9/11! Yet, the Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq is well-known as Iraq: A War For Israel and Iraq pullout would hurt Israel but totally ignored by the compliant media and establishments.

In short they are running a crusade! They are using Bin Laden as a reason. Their modern day Inquisition, Conquistador and Crusade are much more brutal and vitriolic than old ones! Therefore it becomes a must to ask the following questions:

1. Who have elected Osama bin Laden as the leader of the Muslim world?

2. Since when and under what authority Osama bin Laden became spokes person or the undisputed leader of the Muslim and Arab world?

3. Since when and under what authority Osama bin Laden became ‘Pope’ of the Arab and Muslim world?

4. Why Muslims and Arabs have to be guilty of alleged crimes of Osama bin Laden?

5. Who are behind these deadly games and why?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reg Kermode Thugs Control the NSW TDA

Reg Kermode Thugs Control the NSW TDA

Further to NW TDA Committee Member, Taxi mafia managed to silence and sabotage 20 Inquiries and outcome of Inquiries! The reasons are very simple!!

Taxi mafia used to control NSW Ministry of Transport, NSW Department of Transport, NSW Department of Industrial Relations and NSW Transport Workers Union. Now, the taxi mafia also controls the NSW Taxi Drivers Association under the thumb of Eddie Diab and Anne Turner.

Today, 2 thugs of Reg Kermode went to two taxi bases and made inquiry about Faruque Ahmed. Their rude and offensive behaviour worked against them in those taxi bases. One of them then rang Faruque Ahmed and placed a request to meet him urgently. Faruque Ahmed agreed while questioned him about the nature of urgency. He was told, “I’ll tell you when I see you, it is a bit complicated. When Faruque Ahmed encountered these two persons, he realised that it was a plot to rob and kidnap him. Argument erupted and Faruque Ahmed requested neighbours to call the Police. After a short argument and chase the Reg Kermode thugs under the guise of the NSW TDA left the scene.

One must wonder why is Faruque Ahmed under so much pressure? Is it just a co-incidence or more than that?!

--- On Tue, 15/12/09, Ted Hirsch wrote:

From: Ted Hirsch
Subject: fighting back to save the TDA !
To: "Faruque Ahmed"
Received: Tuesday, 15 December, 2009, 11:07 PM

The “Short report of 10 December committee meeting” by Bradley is deliberately false and highly misleading to Committee members.

It is untrue at that meeting “Faruque was suspended as Secretary” and therefore “Faruque to be removed from exec site” and “Faruque to return Phone, Keys etc.

How come the Bradley 14Dec email is so different? (But still incorrect and misleading.)

It now says “you are only suspended” and “you will have a chance to have your say at the next meeting next year”.

In other words NOT removed from the Committee !

The “Short report refers to Constitution Clause 8.11 which states absolutely clearly “A person to be suspended should be given a reasonable chance to explain their conduct before making this decision.”

So therefore NO ONE is suspended !

Until AFTER providing an explanation and BEFORE making this decision “at the next meeting next year”.

And only THEN might TDA Phone, Keys etc be required.

In the meantime Bradley is hounding Faruque today 15Dec, less than 5 days after the 10 Dec Ctee Mtg !

Why this hurry?

When his 14 December email says in 7 days, on 21Dec.

And why Bradley’s gross deception of a personal ambush today? Which nearly resulted in a police arrest of Bradley for assault. A disgrace to the TDA !

And when Phone, Keys etc will NOT be required until AFTER a decision at the next meeting next year”. And when removal from Exec is also not until AFTER a decision at the next meeting next year”.

You have a lot of explaining to do for your deception and misleading of Faruque and of the Committee, Trevor.

In the meantime I have cleared the TDA PO Box and listed the mail on Exec.

I agree to Bhargav doing the clearing of the PO box and will arrange to hand over the key to him (without Bradley interference).

8.0 Committee Procedures

8.11 Removal of an Officer or Serving Member of the Committee. A meeting of the Committee may suspend or remove by passing a resolution any person on the Committee from their position before the expiration of the person's term of office where the person concerned has shown gross dereliction of duty and has acted persistently in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association. A person to be suspended should be given a reasonable chance to explain their conduct before making this decision.

From: Trevor Bradley <>

Subject: PO Keys

To: "Faruque Ahmed" <>

Cc: "Anne Turner" <>, "Eddy Diab" <>

Received: Monday, 14 December, 2009, 8:32 PM

Faruque, do not overreact, you are only suspended, you will have a chance to have your say at the next meeting next year. In the mean time, we cannot let the mail go that long. You have already said that the mail was too much of a chore, and the committee agreed with you that Bargo could the job. You have clearly lost interest in doing the secretary’s work, and the committee took the obvious decision. Anne did say that you might be offered another position, that much is in the balance. So if you can be sensible, and if you voluntarily cooperate and return the keys, you will go a long way to restore peoples confidence in you. Only recently, you were complaining about Ted not returning TDA property. Don’t do the same thing yourself. Be a gentleman and let’s sort out this small matter quickly before people start getting upset. It’s only common sense. There is no need to run away, no-one in the TDA is going to harm you.

I have been ordered to issue a seven day notice for the return of property. That is very unpleasant, it shouldn’t have to go that far. Let us sort this out in a sensible way between committee members. It’s a simple matter, let’s deal with it quickly and neatly,

before that happens.

Yours in good faith

Trevor Bradley, Committee member, for the Committee

--- In, "teebrad54" wrote:

Short report 10th December committee meeting

Meeting Opened by Anne under section 8.11

Faruque suspended as Secretary

Faruque to be removed from exec site

Faruque to return Phone, Keys, letters, and all NSWTDA property asap.

Support for Anne Turner, confirmed.

Special Sub committee for Upper House enquiry, headed by Anne Turner, is formed immediately. Ted Hirsch allowed to participate.

Trevor Bradley appointed Acting Secretary.

Detailed reports and minutes following.

Trevor Bradley Acting Secretary

-- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Panty Centric Bradley,

Please neither try to obtain a permanent residency of the "Long Bay Hilton" for a panty nor give me a lecture about morality. Well known child molester (alleged) Alan Jones, who seeks his moral guidance from the toilet blocks of suburbia, has been giving you moral lessons for a long time. I do not need them.

As far as the NSW TDA concern, I'll take appropriate decision in due course and do not stalk me.

Oh, these days, you may have appointed yourself as spokesperson of the holder of panty, or so it appears! Therefore, could you ask your "owner of panty", "under what law she is holding my T-Shirt, track suit and jogging shoos"? I don't think any part of the NSW TDA Constitution gave her any right to cease my lawful property.

She may have the right (?) to conspire with the taxi mafia to screw the taxi drivers, but, not to screw me.

Got that, so called gentleman?

--- On Mon, 14/12/09, Trevor Bradley wrote:

From: Trevor Bradley
Subject: PO Keys
To: "Faruque Ahmed"
Cc: "Anne Turner" , "Eddy Diab"
Received: Monday, 14 December, 2009, 8:32 PM

Faruque, do not overreact, you are only suspended, you will have a chance to have your say at the next meeting next year. In the mean time, we cannot let the mail go that long. You have already said that the mail was too much of a chore, and the committee agreed with you that Bargo could the job. You have clearly lost interest in doing the secretary's work, and the committee took the obvious decision. Anne did say that you might be offered another position, that much is in the balance. So if you can be sensible, and if you voluntarily cooperate and return the keys, you will go a long way to restore peoples confidence in you. Only recently, you were complaining about Ted not returning TDA property. Don't do the same thing yourself. Be a gentleman and let's sort out this small matter quickly before people start getting upset. It's only common sense. There is no need to run away, no-one in the TDA is going to harm you.

I have been ordered to issue a seven day notice for the return of property. That is very unpleasant, it shouldn't have to go that far. Let us sort this out in a sensible way between committee members. It's a simple matter, let's deal with it quickly and neatly,

before that happens.

Yours in good faith

Trevor Bradley, Committee member, for the Committee

-- In, "teebrad54" wrote:

Faruque, irrespective of the December meeting, you agreed with the committee that you would give back the PO Box keys so that they could be given to Bargo, and Anne wants the second Phone returned to her, so stop mucking around we have got to pick up the TDA mail. I'll meet you today at Alexandria and we'll get the work done ok?
